Nothing excites a dog hearing they are going for a ride in a car.

Ok, he wasn't quite as excited to ride on the bike... But while cliche, who isn't amused, or moved, or maybe even a little jealous of the excitement a dog can feel for things that for us are only slightly more endurable with a dog by our side. I want to be as happy as pup.
I remember 10 years ago having a meeting with a condo board. The meeting was set after being delayed on a deliverable, such that being late to this meeting would be insult to injury. The problem was that my team wasn't quite finished so I delayed a bit hoping we could be finished in the moments before the meeting. Surely it would be better to arrive a little late with a deliverable, than on time without one? Well, as the story already hints, we ended up arriving both late, and incomplete.
What does this have to do with dogs and cars? On the way to the meeting i recalled how my dog at the time was always happy see me, no matter what... This would always cheer me up despite whatever mood I arrived... So I wondered if the same could be true of a condo board? Could I possibly be so excited to see them that it would change their disappointment? The answer was strangely, yes. The boy became the pup.
One should never be disingenuous, manipulative, or irresponsible, but there is nothing wrong with changing your perspective for your own good and the good of others. Sometimes we need to actually make a change to improve our perspective, but sometimes changing our perspective brings the greatest change...
I just walked a dog I am dog sitting. Before I could get outside it ran out to my car. I couldn't call him to come inside away from the street until I showed him the leash. I would hate to be on a leash but this dog seemed relieved to see it and rushed in to get latched up. It occurred to me that the dog believed I was being leashed. He no longer had to hint about where he wanted to go, he now had me on a leash and could be exact about his demands. Perspective is having the mind of this pup.
I am no expert in these matters, but I would like to be excited about my job and the people I am surrounded with all the excitement and energy of a puppy. I don't know about you, but it works for me, and now my tail is wagging, thrilled at the thought of someone just shaking their head at this ridiculous post.