... kinda funny
Payne Engineering Is Sharing Information For Us and For You!
Local Inspection Laws
There are many new laws that require inspections, assessments, or studies using the services of a professional engineer.
Structural Inspections
Structural Inspections are required in many cities following recent collapses and tragedies
Fire Escape Inspections
Fire Escape inspections are required by the International Fire Code and other laws.
Parking Structure Inspections
New York State, Hackensack, New York City... and the list of cities is growing.
Facade / Exterior Wall Inspections
New York City
Jersey City
St. Louis
Reserve Studies and 40-Year Inspections
Florida, New Jersey, and other states and jurisdictions are requiring that multi-family communities provide long-term studies and assessments of their structures, facade, electrical distribution, parking, egress, and other common elements to ensure that buildings have a plan or resources to avoid mass casualty or inadvertent disadvantage.
Codes and Standards
Here is some great information that we rely on to help ensure we meet the standard of care you deserve.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon....
It's Electric!
Here is some helpful information for those considering electric vehicles, scooters, or other alternate transportaion.
Electric Vehicles
Coming Soon
Electric Bicycles
Coming Soon
Alt Transportation
Coming Soon