25 Rockwood Square - Parking Structure Repairs and Waterproofing

The Ownership at 25 Rockwood Square in Englewood has awarded Payne Engineering Assessment Design Bidding and Construction for their Parking Structure. The deciding factor to hiring Payne Engineering was our ability to properly estimate repair quantities during the study phase. Too often engineering studies are performed without experienced oversight. There are many errors that can be caught and corrected in the office, but quantities of work for structural repairs takes the experience of someone who has lived through a few similar projects. Experience is best served in the field, when you can actually look and think about the nature and extent of deterioration.
I have to be honest... chain dragging is more enjoyable as I get older because I am more confident about the findings and results, and I really appreciate the zen physical mindless break! And "heavy scaling" seems to reset for every garage... How will you know how "heavy" heavy really is?