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    Paramus School District -High School Exterior Wall Repairs

    Paramus School District -High School Exterior Wall Repairs

    Payne Engineering was retained to assess the condition of the exterior walls and design the repairs. Payne Engineering utilized 3D modeling to assist with the assessment and design.

    Paramus High School Part 1 - View 1
    1 A 3D model was developed by modeling separate wings and joining the same. Lidar was utilized for the 3D scanning.
    Paramus High School - Part 2
    2 A 3D model was developed by modeling separate wings and joining the same. Lidar was utilized for the 3D scanning.
    Paramus High School Screenshot 3D Model 2024-01-29
    3 3D model composite from multiple wings using Lidar technology
    Paramus High School Exterior Wall Assessment
    4 Google Earth Imagery for Comparison
    Paramus High School - Aerial Image from Google Earth
    5 Google Earth Imagery for Comparison

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